Jan Kuijt
bioNomad Graphics: Pesentation
Gráfica nómada

Long arid and semi-arid lands of the Chihuahuense desert offers to spectator a place fulfilled of strong and hard landscape views, reflecting the flora and fauna extreme conditions, both needed each other to survive.

The dry landscape under burning sun, turns bright and colored when the life gets just a little bit of water, gifted by the scarce season rains to land.

The first settlers, nomads, hunters-gatherers, crossed this land 3,000 years ago.
Tribes such as Borrados, Rayados, Pachos, Laguneros and Irritilos, lived in southern Coahuila.

Motivated by issues of spirituality, sign their territories, orientation, and why not, just because, they left their mark on these lands, engraving its views in mountain rocks that rise up majestic peaks over the horizon.

The petroglyphs stand there, as mute witnesses of it; shamans, deer antlers, bows and arrows, suns, lines, activities like a battle or even rapture, tell us about events and occurrences which pages of a giant epic book.

Amaze and impress us just imagine them sitting on a rock, seeing the sunset landscape, chipping the stone, engraving their images to record from a hunt to cosmological ideas, or perhaps, the last hallucinated journey with the gods.

Jan Kuijt, Photographer.